Monday, November 11, 2013

Susan B. Anthony

Although she died before the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, Susan B. Anthony was the single greatest endorser to the eventual success of the adult femalehoods Suffrage Movement. She attend the majority of her life fighting for muliebritys rights, nevertheless she was also very active in the abolitionist and sombreness movements. For more than 50 years, Susan B. Anthony worked inexhaustibly and ceaselessly towards convincing the federal government to recognize womens right to equality. Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony was submissive in women gaining the right to vote in 1919. Born in 1820, Susan B. Anthony was raised as a Quaker in Adams, Massachusetts. bit teaching during her early adulthood, and she agitated for equal pay for women teachers, for coeducation, and for college knowledge for girls. By the mid 1840s, she had become involved in the womans rights movement and, in 1850, she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In 1850, St anton met Susan B. Anthony, who soon became Stantons closest collaborator. Henry Stanton reportedly told Elizabeth, You stir up Susan, and she stirs up the world. 1 Throughout the 1850s and 1860s, Susan B. Anthony, along with her now close booster rocket Elizabeth Cady Stanton, tirelessly advocated for the abolition of slavery, equal rights for women, and abstemiousness. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Regardless of her, and so legion(predicate) others, efforts, women were non granted the right to vote when slavery was ended. After the kindly War, Susan B. Anthony opposed granting suffrage to freedmen without also giving it to women, a nd many womens suffrage sympathizers broke w! ith her on this issue. She and Stanton organized the National charr Suffrage Association in 1869. The NWSA published a newspaper publisher coedited [sic] by Stanton and Anthony called The Revolution. The newspapers masthead read: Men, Their Rights and nada More, Women, Their Rights and Nothing Less. 2 Many women who had worked so hard for abolition, suffrage, and temperance turned from the...If you want to get a full essay, sick it on our website:

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