Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Power And Influence Of The Media

Jeff Williams 11/21/11 Power and Influence of the Media E very(prenominal) category the mediocre American citizen is exposed to more than a zillion advertisements of the media. The media helps to depict the ideal American society and social norms. study media companies such as the Disney Corporation and Hollywood are eternally setting the allowards of peoples everyday lives. If on average we light upon approximately 3,000 advertisements every day, Americans are like a shot influenced on how they should dress, act, and view themselves. Many Americans are influenced to take a stand on controversial topics such as homosexual relationships, and the unvarying but yet discreet degrading of women because of what they see in the media. The average American is constantly subjected to mass media influence. The media is a very powerful tool that contributes to sculpting the American society. Throughout traditionalistic American culture, heterosexual relationships are what are accepted as the societal norm. It was non until the latter half of the 20th century that gays and lesbians started to swallow up into society. The nonsubjective produced in the early 1990s, Its Elementary, produced by Helen S. Cohen and Debra Chasnoff, shined electric discharge to the influence of the media on the American youth.
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In the documentary leash main surveys were conducted in public school systems at diametric grade levels. The first study done on a New York City Public school which revolve more or less first graders, indicated that while untested children are naïve they work to accept gays and lesbians overall. As the concluding s! urvey was conducted, at a San Francisco High School, the outcomes produced were very anti gay and lesbian as the teenagers had seemed to have already accomplished an opinion that homosexual relationships were pixilated and immoral. There was a grueling emphasis placed on the fact that the younger children were more accepting because they have not been influenced by the media as much. In one of the junior high...If you compulsion to get a all-embracing essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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