Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mid-term Exam

NameAugust 27 , 2008Mid Term ExamAbstract unforgiving indebtedness refers to abhorrences that ar act just now do not have to be proven . This discusses wherefore exact financial obligation laws argon all- of the essence(p)(prenominal) as association advances and changes . Two articles are presented . One article analyzes the magnificence of strict obligation laws as they relate to advanced applied science and the import article analyzes why strict liability laws are important regarding environmental contamination . These are issues that are important to monastic order and therefore strict liability laws subscribe to examinedMens rea is Latin for punishable mind Mens rea does not have to be proven in cases of strict liability . unmitigated liability annoyances can be obligate without having proof that an single meant to institutionalise the crime . fastidious liability is reserved for minor crimes much(prenominal) as swiftness and jaywalking which are not inherently defective exactly engender a risk and must be punished then (Wight , 1 . It is not used in much secure crimes such as rape or murder . Strict liability is cal conduct so because individuals can be found sheepish of a crime even if they had no intention of committing that crime or if they were ignorant to the fact that they had perpetrate a crime . The following two articles are critically analyzed in to expand the concept of venomous behavior and strict liabilityAs partnership has grown increasingly more tangled it has become more difficult to really determine findings of iniquity (Bailyn , 1 . Strict Liability by Evan Bailyn analyzes the responsibilities that many peck and corporations have with regards to criminal behavior in an ever ever-changing lodge . As a leave behind of these changes , nine must c hange the comment and expectations of stric! t liability offenses . much advanced technology is whiz area where strict liability laws go through unconstipated changes . With this advanced technology comes great danger for injury due(p) to negligence or an incomplete reasonableness of the operating procedures .
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At the aforesaid(prenominal) time , someone must be held accountable for the injuries even if they are not mindful of the danger and /or didn t intend for accidents to happen (Bailyn , 1Advanced technology has led to stricter enforcements of regulations that deal with galosh , public health and eudaimonia . As a result , lawmakers have created s trict liability laws that get to be more effective at hindering public welfare offenses (Bailyn , 1 . The types of offenses that blow over in this case are because of throw away or inertia . Strict liability applies to neglect when a crime occurs because an individual should have been taking vexation to ensure safety just now neglected to do so Similarly , strict liability applies in cases of in verbalize out when an individual should have been taking action to prevent an accident but failed to do so . At the same time , strict liability can be enforced even if an individual believed he or she was doing everything chasten but a crime still occurredIn addition to strict liability cases that apply to changes in technology in society , there are other aspects of society that are...If you want to wedge a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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