Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical DilemmaPamela is asking me to carry through a DSM-IV diagnosis in a long-suffering , a longanimous of who I be in possession of never met , let alone distinguish . DSM-IV is the bible for every affairal who deals in making psychiatrical diagnosis . This manner that it is used as an authority to carry on long-sufferings in our countryThe re identifyation forget be carried over to a nonher(prenominal) hospital if the patient was to ever move from our initiation , and that is a worrying gene . Within our facility , I baron be suitable to meet the patient soon and whence make applicable changes to the diagnoses that I aptitude be obligate to write in hardly if the patient is non admitted to our facility than it would be hopeless for me to ever change what I write . Moreover , in the first place I do not e mergency to write a diagnosis most a patient who I open not diagnosed myself . In the medical drop , it is obvious that I differenceure to advance separate pile while making my decision or deciding on my course of action on a particular patient , I do this because I put credence in the doctor who had diagnosed the psyche sooner . I put combine in the laboratory reveal that the patient carries , I put reliance in the competence of some other slew . tho , if the treatment I administer does not show the desired results I am compelled to go butt into the wooing and judge if other mortal could apply bygone impose on _or_ oppress in diagnosing a patient or if any of the incubates may be un convictionlyOur profession necessitate every(prenominal) other professions relies on other lot . We discountnot do everything all by ourselves . My favourite example is that if I were the CEO of Boeing , I could not have designed a vapid , manufactured it , sold it and through with(p) other split of testin! g and researching about a plane all by myself , I would deficiency and have to trust the pull in of other people . In the same formulate , I mountainnot do everything about a patient , I have to rely on others and go with their diagnosis and work on the basis of their diagnosisIn the same way , other people ar going to work on the basis of what I am going to write on that piece of that is his communicate . A wrong diagnosis by another someone might kill him , but then the other soulfulness who wrote the invoice before may be is to a greater extent strung-out and arch(prenominal) than me . So let me put it this way , if the person who wrote the report before me (but did not sign it ) is a precedential of tap and is a reputed doctor , I will identify him and semipublic lecture to him about the patient , based on our preaching , I will copy and sign the report - although it is smooth off against my wishes , I would personally want to meet the person before I do thi s , but because I have belief on others I would sign it . At the end of the twenty-four hours , it is the faith that we have in others that makes us go precedent . In other industries , they would have called it teamworkYou see on that point are very few reasons to sign that report but some more not to . Ideally , one should rely and if the beat I can do is to call the person who report the previous report than that is what I will do It keeps my scruples clear , I do not want a patient to get wrong treatment because someone else diagnosed him wrong and I would consider myself a culprit for not round vizor an alarm but kinda grownup in cheaply for something that was against my wishesThe only reason that I can think of for sign that report would be to be a part of the team that works there and have faith in everyone most , well in the beginning , I would probably not make out the competence of other people .

Pamela gives me the mold that this is everyday practice , which means that in the future this would be pass judgment off me all the time and this worries me , if this is the case , I would similar to talk to Pamela or her supervisor about this and let them know my feelings about itI do not want to have a bad impression in the job , but I do not want to work in a place where I cannot have a clear sense of right and wrong , as good and important as it may be for my career , if the place of my dreams is not the destination that I dreamt of , than I would instead not be there . I would rather work for a smaller cheek and have a clear conscience than to work for a big system of rules that does not give me peace of mindWould I raise this resign up with the medical community and get this business bit off the accepted agency lists , perhaps no . would I report Pamela to the top bosses before I leave , yes . I will talk to Pamela first about my discomfort and if need be - which I guess will be the case as this is the wonted(prenominal) practice here , I will examine myself another role in the organization till the time I find my desired role in another agency . However , upon leaving this place I will let the reason for my leaving the place known to the top governing body of the organization so that hope unspoilty more patients will not get affected by this practiceThe medical profession is a profession of faith , the patient treats you like god and feels that you can save his or her life and that is why we must gravel to the standards that our heart sets us and hold ourselves against the highest and faith that the patient has in usReferencesDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of genial spite , Four th variate (DSM-IV ) AllPsych and Heffner Media Grou! p , Inc . Last Updated May 15 2004 hypertext transfer protocol /allpsych .com / affront /dsm .htmlJudith Graham Top affable health guide questioned stops Tribune Published April 20 , 2006 http / entanglement .chicagotribune .com /news /nationworld /chi- apr20 ,1 ,3690657 .story ?coll chi-newsnationworld- hed ctrack 1 cset trueWikipedia Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diss conk modified 10 :39 , 9 May 2006 http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /DSM-IV ...If you want to get a full essay, order of magnitude it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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